March 30, 2004
Recent Books

Books I've picked up, read completely, or something in between in the past few months. Posted here mostly for my future reference, but they're all pretty interesting books.

Oh, and feel free to start a discussion about any of these, or tangental topics.

Politics of Reality: essays in feminist theory, by Marilyn Frye

Vernon God Little, by DBC Pierre

In Search of Islamic Feminism, by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea

The Social Shaping of Technology, Donald MacKenzie and Judy Wajcman, eds.

Information Feudalism, by Peter Drahos and John Braithwaite (essential stuff if you have any interest in the politics of IP law)

The Uses of Haiti, by Paul Farmer

Mind in Society, by L.S. Vygotsky

History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides

Barney's Version, by Mordechai Richler

The Art of Art Works, by Cyril Welch

Basic Writings, Martin Heidegger

St. Urbain's Horseman, by Mordechai Richler

Safe Area Gorazde, by Joe Sacco

On History, Immanuel Kant

Modern Sociological Theory, by George Ritzer (old textbook; a high-level hack job that still manages to be worthwhile as an overview)

When Words Deny the World, by Stephen Henighan

Upheavals of Thought, by Martha Nussbaum

Discipline and Punish, by Michel Foucault

History of Sexuality, vol. I, by Michel Foucault

Aesthetics, Epistemology, Method, Michel Foucault (collection)

"Society Must be Defended": Lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-1976, Michel Foucault

Titans: How the new Canadian establishment siezed power, by Peter C. Newman. (Former T-Star editor fetishizes power from a distance.)

The End of the Peace Process, by Edward Said

Antarctica, by Kim Stanley Robinson

Walden, by Henry David Thoreau (still plucking out pages here and there and dwelling)

The Great Fires, poems by Jack Gilbert

posted by dru in books