March 21, 2003
Ode to CBC Radio One

(The following is directed mostly at non-Canadians.)

Like most news channels, CBC Radio One claims to be "the source Canadians trust," but unlike almost all the rest, it can make the claim and be taken seriously. The round the clock coverage of the invasion of Iraq has (so far) been critical, sane, civil and balanced, constantly getting a different and relevant perspective on events.

In a world where Fox News and CNN can be referred to as "journalism" without everyone within earshot cracking up at the mere suggestion, I must say my standards have been lowered considerably. But still, if you're looking for a news source that isn't a bombastic, self-righteous reprocessor of official propaganda, I recommend tuning in. Did I mention there are no ads?

posted by dru in journalism
by Ross

I agree completely with the assessment of CBC Radio One. What Peter Gzowski jokingly referred to as the Ministry of Truth is far and away the least biased source of news from what history is bound to view as Bush's Folly. For television coverage, I myself prefer BBC World. I lived in California during the last Gulf War, and bought a world band radio in order to get news from BBC World Service and Radio Canada International. Here's what my favourite Californadian had to say recently:

Neil Young at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Awards 03/10/03:

"We're having a good time tonight but we're going to kill a lot of people next week. So let's not forget about that.

I don't want to ruin this but it's too real not to mention it. And music used to be about this. And it still is about this, it's a human thing. And these are human beings over there and we're making a big mistake. I feel like I'm riding in a giant gas guzzling SUV and the driver's drunk as a fucking skunk. He's drunk on power."


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