February 03, 2003

BBC: Gujarat's Muslims live in terror

Unofficial figures say more than 2,000 people have died, the vast majority Muslims killed by Hindus who constitute more than 80% of the state's population.

Independent reports accuse hardline Hindu organisations of orchestrating the violence with the support of India's ruling right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government.

Fresh deaths are still being reported almost every day and an estimated 150,000 Muslims are still sheltering in relief camps.

No one has been held responsible yet, though the Palestinian ambassador to India was asked to leave the country after he attended an event where speakers condemned the violence in Gujarat.

Remember: if it's state terrorism, it's not terrorism. Or maybe: if it's terrorism, it's not terrorism unless going after it with guns blazing serves US interests.

For an elaboration, read Arundhati Roy's talk at the World Social Forum last week. She reckons:

It is not a coincidence that the Prime Minister, the Home Minister, the Disinvestment Minister — the men who signed the deal with Enron in India, the men who are selling the country’s infrastructure to corporate multinationals, the men who want to privatize water, electricity, oil, coal, steel, health, education and telecommunication — are all members or admirers of the RSS. The RSS is a right wing, ultra-nationalist Hindu guild which has openly admired Hitler and his methods.

posted by dru in race
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