July 12, 2002
Various Misc Assortments
Kendall started a Weekly Review at Monkeyfist.com.
Reuters: Sesame street to introduce HIV-positive muppet
How gross is "Psy-Ops"? This gross.
"Why is it such a pain in the ass to setup an Internet broadcast?" ... "OpenDJ pays for and maintains the hardware, the software, and the fat pipe to the Net. You generate the music, or listen to the music, or both. Enjoy, it's my treat."
According to Salon, Rudolph Giuliani will earn "$8 million this year in speaking fees alone." Yow. I can't imagine that criticizing him for being a CYNICAL BASTARD and taking advantage of 9-11 for immense personal profit would be very American. Yep. Definitely un-American.
(last three via Daily Churn)