September 06, 2001
this new house

A few people asked me if I had any pics of my new house, so I snapped a few. (images link to bigger versions).


Our pristine kitchen, from whence many a tasty meal hath come. Usually, this place has some tunes playing and people cooking good food.


Our back porch. Jesse, one of my roommates, is tending a fruitful little garden in buckets and large pots. Tis' the source of many fresh tomatoes, green peppers, and jalapenos. In the background, one can see our fabulous view of the Trans-Canda highway, which, surprisingly enough, isn't very noisy inside the house.


The plant-filled living room. If you look closely, you can see the giant slug I made (out of plaster, burlap, and chicken wire) when I was taking 2nd year sculpture. The implements of music are signs that I live with a band.

posted by dru in blog